Baleganjur is processional music in which the musicians carry their gongs, CENG-CENG (cymbals), REYONG (hand-gongs) and KENDANG (drums). I reckon the first couple of In-Real-Life gigs we'll do when the virus has abated will be out in the open, pretty spread out, and not lugging huge GANGSA, so Baleganjur seems like a good start*. This playthrough video shows a good introduction sequence, single ANGSEL (angsel lantang), double ANGSEL, two smooth ways of sneaking into GILAK groove, and a short composed section called PENGISEP. Check out KENDANG lesson one video for how these patterns are constructed. I'll add the slow PENGAWAK and end sequence in a future video... *other pieces in the Kendang CEDUGAN style, using a PANGGUL (mallet) can be creatively converted to suit Baleganjur instrumentation. Wira Yudha and Crukcuk Punyah fit neatly into this category.
Authorjeremy is trying to find pockets of time in his home-shool parenting to make DIY gamelan lessons for you to follow. ArchivesCategories